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Learn Korean Language Guide - Korean Beginners Guide 1

by 노다지네 2022. 12. 15.

Korean Vowels and Consonants


Want to know about Hangeul(Korean Alphabet(Hangeul))?

Korean language belongs to the Altaic language family like Mongolian and Japanese.

There are about 75 million people in the world who speak Korean, and according to a statistic done in 2002, the rank is about 13th in the world.


King Sejong “Sejong the Great !!”Invented Hanguel in 1446 under his treatise Hunminjeongeum.

Hunminjeongeum. The title means “the right sound to teach people”


Why was it invented?

There was a great need for a language that could be widely learned among the common people.


The essential written language of Korean is the Korean Alphabet. It is similar to the English Alphabet, and each letter represents a different sound. But sometimes the letter’s sound changes depending on the word or the way the word is used.

Unlike the English Alphabet, in Korean Alphabet each written character represents a syllable. They also write it left to right.


Individual Letters of Hangeul and Its principles ‘Hunminjeongeum’, the origin of Hangeul. was created by the following

principles and those two principles clearly show the superiority fo Hangeul.

The inventor reproduced the shapes of letters from the shapes of pronunciation organs and three materials: sky, earth, and human.

The rest of letters were made based on the several basic letters echance its systematic feature.

There are fourteen consonants and ten vowels.


Hangeul is difficult to pronounce, so you can learn it quickly by making your mouth shape correctly and reading it out loud and repeating it.




Korean Beginners Guide

This guide was written for Korean Beginners that don’t know where to start learning the Korean language.


Why Learn the Korean Language

Korean is spoken by an estimated seventy-five million people in North and South Korea, and the importance of the Korean language is steadily growing all over the world. Although most speakers of Korean live on the Korean Peninsula and its adjacent islands, more than three million are scattered throughout the world on every continent.


Korean Alphabet(hangeul)

Learning to read the Korean Alphabet should be the first stop for Korean beginners.

Korean has personally my favourite alphabet to learn because of its unique structuring and style of writing.


Hangeul (한글, The Korean Alphabet) consists of forty letters. Twenty-one of these represent

vowels (including thirteen diphthongs), and nineteen represent consonants.

(10 vowels, 14 consonants, 5 double consonants and 11 Dipthongs (Complex vowels made up of regular vowels).

Korean Alphabat "Hangeul" vowels and consonants
Hangeul Consonant Sounds

Learn Korean Written Alphabet is also known as Hangeul alphabet or script. The Korean Alphabet contains ten main vowels, fourteen consonants, and eleven complex vowels(Known as Diphthongs). Until 1980, Korean was written from right to left but since then Hangul has changed direction to be written left to right. An interesting fact when you want to learn the Korean alphabet. The shapes of the consonants are based on the shape the mouth made when pronouncing the corresponding sound is made. Some consonants were created by adding extra lines to the original shapes.

Basic Consonants

※ Download educational materials for Korean vowels and consonants

                       한글 영어표기, 한글자음 영어표기, 한글모음 영어표기 무료자료


 Hangeul is difficult to pronounce, so you have to repeat it over and over again and read it out loud.
    Koreans also practice pronunciation with a ballpoint pen in their mouth for correct pronunciation.
    Watch YouTube, make a loud sound, and listen to it over and over again.

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