HANGEUL15 About George Washington About George Washington George Washington is widely considered the "Father of his Country" for his central role in the formation and leadership of the United States. He served as the commander-in-hief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and was elected as the first President of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797. Washington's leadership during the Revolution .. 2023. 1. 25. About Abraham Lincoln About Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the United States through its Civil War—its bloodiest war and perhaps its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis. In doing so, he preserved the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal government, and modernized the .. 2023. 1. 22. USA Immigrants Housing 1. I NEED A PLACE TO LIVE One of the first things immigrants in a new country need to do is to find a place to live. Most people have to rent an apartment or house the first time around. Renting a house can be challenging. The first thing a person should do is to find an affordable place. There are many options available to a renter when looking for a place to live. The popular website c.. 2023. 1. 18. Hangul(Korean Language) bulletin board address Hangul(Korean Language) bulletin board address 2023. 1. 5. 韓国語紹介....ハングル(韓国語アルファベット) ハングル(韓国語アルファベット) 「ハングル」は韓国語のアルファベットの公式名です。 音声言語はコミュニケーションに若干の制限があるため、人類は文字を発明しました。 しかし、現在世界で使用されているアルファベットは100未満であり、同時に何千もの以上の口語があります。 ハングルは世界で最も一般的な文字言語に属します。 ハングルは短期間で一人で発明され、国のアルファベット体系として位置づけられたのでユニークです。 また、発明者は、アルファベットシステムの説明とともに、言語の使用に関する本を出版した。 これは前例のないユニークな歴史的出来事でした。 世界中の言語学者は、その説明が論理的で体系的であることを認めています。 ハングルは15世紀の集現戦で世宗大王と彼の学者によって発明されました。 発明当時は「訓民正音」と呼ばれた。 最も科学的で実用的なアルファベットシステムの一つとして知られてお.. 2023. 1. 2. The Korean Represent Syllabary read and write The Korean Represent Syllabary read and write Practice Writing Korean Consonants and Vowels ● Composition: Add the consonant ‘ㄱ’ with the vowels to create a letter. Read aloud the letter ☞ ㄱ + ㅏ = 가 → g + a = ga ☞ ㄱ + ㅑ = 갸 → g + ya = gya ● Composition: Add the consonant ‘ㄱ’ with the vowels to create a letter. Read aloud the letter ☞ ㄱ + ㅐ = 개 → g + ae = gae ☞ ㄱ + ㅒ = 걔 → g + yae = gyae ※ Downlo.. 2022. 12. 16. Korean Represent Syllabary-Hangeul English Notation Korean Represent Syllabary, Korean English notation, Hangeul English notation 1. The Korean Represent Syllabary Hangeul is difficult to pronounce, so you have to read the basic syllables aloud and learn repeatedly. 2. Korean English notation, Hangeul English notation Look at the Korean alphabet and make your name in Korean. Example: David → de-i-bi-deu → 데이비드 Maria → ma-ri-a → 마리아 ※ Download edu.. 2022. 12. 16. Learn Korean Language Guide - Korean Beginners Guide 5 Korean Grammar The Korean grammar rules you must follow and understand to properly speak the Korean language. Korean Sentence follows the pattern of Subject + Object + Verb but politeness and respect to seniority also play an important part in the Korean language and culture. Korean Nouns do not have a Gender. Korean Nouns can be made plural by adding “들” to the end of the word. Korean Verbs rel.. 2022. 12. 15. Learn Korean Language Guide - Korean Beginners Guide 4 Korean Number System How to Write Korean Numbers The Korean language has two frequently used Korean number systems: 1. Sino Korean, 2. Native Korean. Understanding how to write both Korean number system should take very little time and effort to learn. To Avoid your initial confusion on when and in what situation to use which number system I put together lists in which each Korean number system .. 2022. 12. 15. 이전 1 2 다음